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描述:组合探头规格与型号油位-10—40mm油温0—100℃振动0—20mm/sKH-7700-A00-B00-C00-D00-EEE,0-20mm/s,-10-40mm,0-100℃三参数组合探头GJ258-800振动0-20mm/s 0-100℃ -10-40MM 0-20mm/s三参数组合探头HH3CS温度0-100℃液位0-40mm振动0-20mm/s转速探头SZCB-03-B025/8-18U
油位.振动.温度.三合一组合探头油位:-10~40mm油温:0~100℃振动:0~20mm/s 安徽万珑电气
安徽万珑电气组合探头X震动0-200mm/s Y震动0-200mm/sZ震动0-200mm/s温度0-100℃
安徽万珑电气振动探头 三参数组合探头油位:10--40mm油温:0~100℃振动:0-20mm/s
安徽万珑电气一体化三参数组合探头油位-10-40mm m27×2油温0-100℃探杆180mm振动0-20mm/s电缆10m
安徽万珑电气组合探头油位:-10—40mm;油温:0—100℃振动0—20mm/s KR-939SB3;油位:-10—40mm;油温:0—100℃振动0—20mm/s 安徽万珑电气
用于工业现场的各种智能化仪表,都可以由上位管理计算机通过总线形式进行联网管理。 在一条通讯线路上能够挂接数十台其它智能仪表,实现对各种模拟量、开关量、的和通用的测控要求进行计算机组态管理,从而方便地完成信息收集、处理、存储记录和参量再现等多种功能。
安徽万珑电气组合探头X震动0-200mm/s Y震动0-200mm/sZ震动0-200mm/s温度0-100℃
安徽万珑电气振动探头 三参数组合探头油位:10--40mm油温:0~100℃振动:0-20mm/s
安徽万珑电气一体化三参数组合探头油位-10-40mm m27×2油温0-100℃探杆180mm振动0-20mm/s电缆10m
安徽万珑电气组合探头油位:-10—40mm;油温:0—100℃振动0—20mm/s KR-939SB3;油位:-10—40mm;油温:0—100℃振动0—20mm/s 安徽万珑电气
用于工业现场的各种智能化仪表,都可以由上位管理计算机通过总线形式进行联网管理。 在一条通讯线路上能够挂接数十台其它智能仪表,实现对各种模拟量、开关量、的和通用的测控要求进行计算机组态管理,从而方便地完成信息收集、处理、存储记录和参量再现等多种功能。
three parameter combination (oil level temperature vibration combination) probe is a general type combined probe that is used in cooling tower fan safety monitoring system. It can be connected with a variety of general two instruments, or computer data acquisition and control system (DCS, PLC, etc.).
This is applied to the fan gear box combined probe for safe operation of monitoring, in its internal integrated measuring temperature, oil level, vibration signal sensing, conversion and transmission circuit of direct output and the security parameters corresponding to the 4 ~ 20mA standard current signal, can be matched with a variety of general-purpose two meter or computer digital acquisition monitoring system.
The probe temperature measurement with platinum resistance sensor and semiconductor integrated device; level measurement using a capacitive sensing principle; sensor for measuring vibration, mechanical vibration acceleration signal acquisition, band-pass filter, an integral and true effective value through the amplifier (RMS) converter, the vibration waveform in the effective bandwidth of it effective value conversion; finally, the oil temperature, vibration generated by the 4 ~ 20mA output.
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